Welcome to Team G!

What we are trying to do

Every day in the U.S. tons of coal and other energy sources are wasted because of the inefficiencies of the energy industry. This leads to unnecessary pollution and higher energy costs to the consumers, people like you.

Our goal at Genability is to make energy pricing transparent so consumers can make smart, informed decisions about the energy they use. Running dishwashers and washing machines when prices are low. Making small changes in how we all use energy can have a tremendous impact on making the energy grid much more efficient.

How you can help (and get paid!)

Do you like solving puzzles? Read on! There are over 3500 utilities in the US alone and each utility has its own pricing (tariffs) and adjustments and special price breaks. We're working to collect all of these.

Pricing information is contained in PDF documents. We need your help to read through these documents and capture the relevant pricing information. We've created simple to understand videos and documentation to help you get started. Once you've done it for a couple of utility companies, it should be straightforward to do it for additional ones.

Sound interesting? Here's how you start.

Email us and let us know you want to participate support@genability.com We will get back to you right away with the quick instructions for getting up and ready to work.

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